After a bad work-related illness or injury, Cleveland victims and their families may need to explore all possible legal options. Whether they happen over time or in the few moments it takes for an on-the-job accident, severe work injuries can leave a victim with...
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Are there ways to expedite my SSDI processing?
Everyone applying for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits is applying because they have an urgent need. Rarely do people apply for benefits if they do not believe that they qualify for them or truly do not need them. Applying for government benefits can feel...
Supplemental Security Income: Benefits based on need
The umbrella of Social Security extends financial protection to many Americans. Many may not realize, however, that two different types of benefits operate to serve an entirely different set of individuals with altogether different needs. One of them, Supplemental...
Will past drug or alcohol abuse prevent me from getting SSD?
Applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) can be a nerve-wracking process. The chances that your initial application will be denied are high and you may be worried about any number of factors that may result in rejection. Alcohol and drug usage are a common...
How do I qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance?
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are complicated. They are hard to attain, require constant medical follow-up and generate a mountain of paperwork. However, for those who need SSDI, it can be a financial lifeline. The basics Essentially, to qualify...
Does my epilepsy qualify me for Social Security Disability?
Ohio residents suffering from epilepsy know how disruptive it can be to everyday life. Seizures can result in physical injuries from a fall, short-term memory loss and many other negative physical and neurological effects. Seizures can also severely interrupt many...
Can I work without losing my SSD benefits?
Social Security disability benefits can be the financial lifeline a disabled individual needs to make ends meet. However, many in Ohio would agree that holding down a job is a thing to be proud of. Not every disabled individual wants to be out of the workforce...
What is a compassionate allowance claim?
Disabilities can deprive men, women, and children of the lives they wish to lead. They can keep individuals out of work and can prevent them from earning needed income. When an Ohio resident suffers from a disability that qualifies through the Social Security...
Social Security Disability benefits payable for mental illness disorders
The stresses of the modern workplace have serious and adverse impacts on the mental health of many different types of workers. A common question asked by Ohio employees is whether mental disorders are eligible for Social Security Disability insurance (SSDI) benefits....
Understanding the SSDI Benefits appeal process
Social Security Disability Benefits Insurance (SSDI) is a federal financial assistance program that pays eligible persons a significant monthly stipend if they have been totally and completely disabled. Unfortunately, analysis by academic research has shown that most...