Medical malpractice happens when a medical facility or health care professional causes an injury to a patient through either negligence or omission. This could be due to errors in diagnosis, treatment during or after a procedure or overall health management. We’re...
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Law Firm

What Makes a Medical Malpractice Case? Here are 3 Signs that you Should File
Being the victim of a medical mistake is an overwhelming and scary experience. To know how to best protect yourself, you should know how the law defines medical malpractice. Additionally, below are signs that indicate you should file a case. What is Medical...
Firefighter Cancer Cases Are Now Eligible for Workers’ Compensation in Ohio
A new law has been passed in Ohio that allows firefighters to file a workers’ compensation claim for cancer as a work-related illness. The Michael Louis Palumbo Jr. Act went into effect in April 2017 and is named after a local Cleveland firefighter who lost his battle...
Can You Sue a Doctor for Misdiagnosis?
In 2014, BMJ Quality & Safety conducted a study finding that approximately 12 million adults who seek outpatient medical care are misdiagnosed. A more recent study cites that more than 20% of patients who received a second opinion were misdiagnosed by their...
Shedding Light on Preterm Births
Cleveland Cavaliers player J.R. Smith III and his wife, Jewel Harris, recently revealed their baby, Dakota, was born prematurely. She was five months “early” and weighed only about one pound. “We know we’re not the only family going through this, who has been through...
Do you qualify for social security disability if you have COPD?
Here at Bentoff & Duber in Cleveland, Ohio, we work frequently with people who are applying for social security disability or have had their benefits denied. We’re often asked whether social security disability benefits are available to people diagnosed with...
Voluntary recalls on Rohto, Abrams Royal Compounding Pharmacy products and more: Bentoff & Duber Medical Recall Recap
In the past 30 days, the FDA has put out notices on a wide range of voluntary recalls of drugs and other products. Most of these are not reported to be associated with complaints or adverse affects in patients, but we at Bentoff & Duber want to make sure you’re...
Onfi & Potiga Drugs Receive FDA Warning: Bentoff & Duber Medical Recall Recap
During the past month, the FDA has put out warnings about two different anti-seizure medications and Bentoff & Duber wants to make sure you are aware to help keep you safe, informed and proactive. If you or someone you know has been affected by one of these drugs,...
Pradaxa Recall on Alert: Bentoff & Duber Medical Recall Recap
This is the second installment of our medical recall blog series intended to provide you with the latest in medical recall and defective drug news. We do this to help keep you safe, informed and proactive. If you or someone you know has been affected by one of these...
When should I pursue a medical malpractice case?
If you or a loved one have been affected by medical malpractice due to a failure to diagnose a medical condition, a delayed diagnosis, or a misdiagnosis, or if you have been prescribed a defective drug or medical device that causes injury or wrongful death due to the...