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Law Firm

Michael J. Duber and Brandon T. Duber

Don’t be denied social security benefits that you deserve.

Jun 28, 2012 |

Social security disability is a tax paid disability program provided by the Social Security Administration.  These benefits are for those who are restricted by disease or physical disability.  Benefits are available on a temporary or permanent basis, depending on the severity of your disability.  These benefits can help support you and your family while you recover.

Everyday there are people who are losing their citizen rights to social security benefits.  Your entitlement should not be inhibited by a minor loophole.  Disability claims do not have to keep you from work for more then a year.  Make sure that your documents are up to date and the Social Security Administration can find you.  Cooperate with law enforcement, and doctors.

Did you know that last year, PR Week/U.S. publishing director Julia Hood was paid $274,676 for her exit from the Page Society?  Compensation was based on salary, bonuses, Social Security, Medicare and other payments. Legal help can get you the compensation you deserve after a disability issue.

Find out if you are being treated improperly and may be entitled to benefits you are not receiving.  There is help in getting the compensation you deserve.  Call us and one of our knowledgeable attorneys will be happy to help you – as fatal mistakes can be made by handling your social security case on your own.

