We’re often asked this question by independent and self-employed contractors who want to know if they’re entitled to collect workers’ compensation benefits if they are injured.
The answer is no, independent contractors are not eligible for workers’ comp coverage and are responsible for paying their own taxes, health insurance, Social Security and other benefits including workers’ compensation.
However, some employers may try to classify employees as independent contractors to avoid paying taxes and premiums for them. This is something you should look out for before it happens.
To help you determine whether you qualify as an independent contractor or an employee (and whether your employer owes you workers’ compensation coverage), here are some facts about independent contractors:
- They act freely and without direction of their employer
- They usual provide their own equipment to use on the job
- They are free to work for more than one company
- They’re typically paid per job and not on a salary or hourly basis
Bentoff & Duber located in Cleveland, Ohio has experienced workers’ compensation lawyers who can help you file a claim and determine if you are entitled to benefits.
If you have any questions for our workers’ compensation attorneys or for your free consultation, call Bentoff & Duber at 216-861-1234 or submit a contact form.
About the author: Brandon Duber, a Partner with Bentoff & Duber Co., LPA, is a lawyer with proven experience in the courtroom and expertise in the areas of workers’ compensation, criminal defense, personal injury and medical malpractice law. He received his B.A. from Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY and his J.D. from The Case Western Reserve University School of Law in Cleveland, OH.