Not even two weeks after the devastating movie theater shooting in Colorado, Cleveland has an attempted copy cat. A 37-year-old man from North Ridgeville, near Cleveland, Ohio, has been arrested in Westlake’s Crocker Park. The man, Scott Smith, entered the Regal Cinema movie theater after purchasing a ticket to the 10 o’clock showing of ‘The Dark Knight Rises.‘
Smith was confronted in his seat by the theater manager and an undercover police officer. He was spotted entering the theater and approached once he reached his seat. The police asked to search his bag and Smith surrendered without incident.
Smith’s bag contained a loaded 9 mm Glock and additional ammunition. The satchel also contained three knives, with a fourth being found under his clothes.
Smith is married with a one year old child. Police obtained a warrant to search Smith’s home after his arrest. According to police, they found many weapons including seven rifles, a lot of ammo, gas masks, bulletproof vests, and additional handguns. Westlake Police have already notified the FBI about the case and they will be helping out the Westlake PD as needed.
Regal Cinema at Crocker Park has signs clearly posted that they reserve the right to search any packages or bags that enter the premises.
Smith is being detained at the Westlake Police station on four charges of carrying various weapons without permit. Smith has no criminal record, but was in the military for a short period of time as Westlake Police Detective Lieutenant Ray Arcuri stated. He will most likely face local, state, and federal charges during his arraignment on Wednesday.